May 04, 2015
Grown Up Macaroni and Cheese Many of us had macaroni and cheese in some form, homemade or prepared, when we were children. As adults, we look to recreate that comfort food with a bit of sophistication. There are many variations to this tried-and-true comfort food! The star of the show in this dish is ...
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Apr 27, 2015
Banana Walnut Breakfast Bars Some mornings we need a grab-and-go breakfast. These breakfast bars are high in protein and contain fruit and healthy carbohydrates. Depending on the size you make them, you can have one or two for breakfast or a snack later in the day. Couple the bar with a piece of fruit if ...
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Apr 20, 2015
I was searching for gluten free pancake recipes and came up with several simple recipes each featuring eggs and bananas. I decided to make a version based upon the several recipes I read. Base Ingredients: 2 to 3 RIPE bananas (depending on size) 2 Eggs ¼ TSP Baking Powder 1 TSP Cinnamon Walnut Oil … ...
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Apr 16, 2015
I was looking to make a healthy version of pineapple upside down cake, a traditional spring treat, so I decided to turn the flavors of pineapple upside down cake into a bread…making it a breakfast item! This recipe has MORE ingredients than I usually use, but it’s worth it for this spring dish! Base Ingredients: ...
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Apr 14, 2015
A huge part of overcoming patterns of emotional overeating is surrounding yourself with resources to support your sense of peace and relaxation that you can turn to in moments of stress—resources that can serve as alternatives to consuming extra food or drink as a means of calming down. Attempting to quit the habit of ...
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Apr 09, 2015
Seven Foods You Can Compulsively Overeat without Getting Fat Earlier this week, we talked about compulsive and emotional eating in recognition of Emotional Overeating Awareness Month. Even if you are not struggling with a regular pattern of emotional overeating, it’s still common to sporadically run into moments where you find yourself compelled to eat out ...
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Apr 08, 2015
7 Signs of Emotional Overeating April 1st marks the beginning of Emotional Overeating Awareness Month, giving us an excellent opportunity to explore our relationship to food and the emotions that tend to belie our eating habits. In the clinical sphere, emotional overeating is defined as a “maladaptive coping strategy” involving an increase in food intake ...
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Apr 06, 2015
Breakfast is my favorite meal. I love to start the day feeling satiated and energized. Each day I have a mug of hot water and lemon as I do a few things around the house and catch up on the news online. Weekday mornings are my time to get situated before the hustle and bustle ...
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Mar 31, 2015
7 Ways to Reduce Sugar Cravings According to the American Heart Association, the average American adult currently consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar per day. Can you imagine putting 22 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee!? There wouldn’t be any room for coffee! And even less for the emotional boost most people look for in ...
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Mar 30, 2015
Peas and Asparagus Your Way I make a concerted effort to eat fruits and vegetables when they are in season, when they are at their peak. Asparagus is in season in March and April in California which means not only is the vegetable fresh but also reasonable in price. This vegetable is low in calories ...
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