Dec 22, 2015
For my YogaLean Lifestyle, I use essential oils as a natural aid for weigh...
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Dec 18, 2015
We are happy to announce that we teamed up with BeYogi.com for a Gratitude Giveaway – a free YogaFit Level 1 training, plus a signed copy of Beth Shaw’s new book YogaLean! SIGN UP HERE! BeYogi.com is a site built to inspire and support yoga teachers, studio owners and all other yogis! YogaFit® Level 1 teacher ...
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Dec 16, 2015
My husband and I are both busy and we do not get a chance to sit down together for dinner on a nightly basis. I teach high school English, yoga, and other fitness classes and he is a teacher and is busy after school rehabilitating from major hip surgery. We try to eat healthy and exercise even ...
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Dec 14, 2015
Celebrate this Valentine’s Day by loving yourself! Not only is this week Valentine’s Day, but it is also American Heart Month. To honor both of these (equally important) holidays, we’d like to share some ways you can practice some intro- spection and learn how to open and activate your heart chakra. But what is a ...
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Dec 14, 2015
A traditional mirepoix is comprised of carrots, onion, and celery…my QUINOA MIREPOIX substitutes garlic for celery! This simple change highlights the carrots in the dish. Quinoa is a complete protein that is naturally gluten free and high in fiber. Quinoa will keep you satisfied for a long time. It is an idea work-day lunch that ...
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Dec 10, 2015
I love making food that can be transformed simply. All I need to do is make the base for one meal and I can use the leftovers any way I desire for additional meals. One of the secrets to being YogaLean is to have healthy food ready to go so that nutritious meals can be ...
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Dec 05, 2015
Lately, the media has given extra attention to the dangers of eating too much sugar, and I want to address this issue because reducing the consumption of refined sugar is a nutrition principle I’ve always stood by faithfully. We’ve all heard before that eating excess sugar leads to diabetes and obesity, but perhaps we take for ...
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Dec 04, 2015
Recently, there’s a fitness rumor going around that consuming one glass of red wine is equal provides health benefits equal to the ones we get out of doing a one hour workout at the gym. This is a seductive headline– “Score!” Readers are thinking, “A glass of Cabernet every day will keep me just as ...
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Dec 03, 2015
Mmm, garlic! I can’t get enough of this tasty, aromatic ingredient and love to incorporate it abundantly in my home recipes. Garlic adds an irresistible depth of flavor to my dishes and it’s an essential part of that comforting aroma we often associate with fresh, home cooking. But, in addition to its sensational culinary properties, ...
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Dec 02, 2015
Restorative Yoga is focused around the “ahhh” experience in yoga; the space found by breathing, relaxing and letting go of the mind’s internal dialogue. This gentle approach to practice allows participants to experience the same benefits of traditional practice while exerting little or no effort at all and leaves students feeling nourished, refreshed and well ...
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