Jul 14, 2015
“Because of all the things I’ve been through, I’ve always relied on faith. Things like chance meetings happen for a reason. I felt like God was speaking to me the day I met Kathryn and Beth.” – Nicole Bradley __ Find more videos on YouTube and subscribe to follow Nicole’s transformation. Nicole has been struggling with weight ...
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May 22, 2015
I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not always easy to fit in a workout during the week. Between your job or school, meetings, doctor’s appointments, taking care of your pets and family, running errands, and cooking dinner, exercise doesn’t always make the cut. Then when the weekend rolls around, you make up for not exercising ...
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Mar 27, 2015
7 Poses to Get you YogaLean for Spring! Now that is it officially spring, it’s the perfect time to get more serious about your fitness goals and get in shape. In the coming months of warm weather and outdoor activities, you’ll want to feel comfortable and confident while lightly clad. Temperatures and hemlines are rising ...
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Mar 18, 2015
Twisting Poses to Cleanse and Detoxify Both athletic and restful, twisting poses offer wonderful benefits for the muscular and skeletal systems, preventing stiffness and injury by improving the spine’s range of movement. They are also extremely helpful in our efforts to detoxify physically and mentally, encouraging the inner organs to expel waste, thus clearing stagnant ...
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