Jul 18, 2015
This summer, the YogaLean team is privileged to guide an incredibly special individual through a total Mind|Body transformation. Nicole Bradley, 26, has courageously signed on with the discipline, curiosity, and compassion it takes to embark on YogaLean’s Transformational Journey. With the support of Ayurvedic specialist Kathryn Herbert and Mind|Body|Fitness expert Beth Shaw, Nicole is taking ...
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Jul 14, 2015
“Because of all the things I’ve been through, I’ve always relied on faith. Things like chance meetings happen for a reason. I felt like God was speaking to me the day I met Kathryn and Beth.” – Nicole Bradley __ Find more videos on YouTube and subscribe to follow Nicole’s transformation. Nicole has been struggling with weight ...
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Jun 15, 2015
June 15, 2015 – Beth Shaw, President & Founder | Beth Shaw It’s Summer time, and many people are trying to renew their fitness programs in a hurry. While its important to hit the gym, take up a new running program and make countless other fitness resolutions, there are things you can incorporate into your daily ...
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Jun 09, 2015
Beth J Shaw author of YOGAFIT Stress Management means basically, learning how to manage stress, by witnessing it, and releasing it. Stress management, is simply, a daily process to let go of tension stored in the body and mind. Without this letting go process, we become candidates for ulcers, heart attacks, migraines and premature aging. All known ...
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Apr 14, 2015
A huge part of overcoming patterns of emotional overeating is surrounding yourself with resources to support your sense of peace and relaxation that you can turn to in moments of stress—resources that can serve as alternatives to consuming extra food or drink as a means of calming down. Attempting to quit the habit of ...
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Mar 23, 2015
The Power of Positive Affirmations “Mastery comes from confidence. Confidence comes from experience. Experience comes from practice. Practice comes from commitment. And commitment comes from vision.” -Randy Gage According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about twelve thousand thoughts a day. The thoughts that travel though our minds ...
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