Dec 23, 2015
Much of our daily life is spent living in our heads, focused on what we are thinking versus what we are feeling. With the demands of work and home we are often required to mentally stay one step ahead just to get through our day. But if we navigate life led by our thoughts alone, ...
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Dec 23, 2015
Traveling can be a remarkably stressful experience — especially if you are flying, and if you pack the night before. I am constantly traveling, oftentimes hitting multiple cities back to back. And through my constant traveling, I have learned to pack quickly and efficiently. I’ve whittled it down to the basics: Typically what I do ...
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Dec 23, 2015
Start your day with a quick standing YogaFit warmup! Follow my guidance and learn how to get your body moving, so that you are ready to take on a bus...
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Dec 23, 2015
For some this is a quality, skill and trait that comes easily, for others like myself- not so much so. I have never been a patient person. Yoga & meditation have certainly helped me develop more of it but I often still find myself lacking… I will on occasion remind myself to first and foremost ...
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Dec 23, 2015
Periods of heavy physical activity are also associated with a depressed immune function and compromised immune function can be further aggravated by inadequate nutrition. The body’s susceptibility to a respiratory infection can be elevated for 24 hours after a tough workout, and a demanding race can impair your immune function for one to two weeks. ...
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Dec 23, 2015
In the Indian village of Rishikesh, the birthplace of yoga. The diet is simple- no meat and no alcohol. Villagers make their meal choices with the health of their bodies and their spirits in mind. As discussed in chapter 2, yoga philosophy is based on the Yama Ahimsa, the practice of nonviolence and not harming. ...
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Dec 23, 2015
Every few years I simplify in a big way – these periods seem to be fertile breeding grounds for abundance. Only in an empty field is there truly room to grow a big crop. In simplification mode once again I am hopeful that this harvest will be more amazing than I could have ever imagined. ...
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Dec 23, 2015
What is clutter? According to Webster, clutter is a disorderly heap or assemblage; a state or condition of confusion; or to fill or litter with things in a disorderly matter. Why is it that so many of us hold onto clutter—whether it be stuff in a junk drawer or a disorganized closet or pantry, friends ...
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Dec 23, 2015
As mentioned in my book, YogaFit, my early days of practice were perhaps the most profound. I was laying the groundwork for many shifts – enjoying the opportunity to practice many different styles. What most people don’t know is that I threw myself into my practice with extreme vigor after ending a very long term ...
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Dec 23, 2015
“Forgiveness is shifting from the automatic ego reaction (anger/self-protection hurting back), to a non-reactive conscious response of empathy; considering that the other person is ALSO a human being, perhaps not mindful.” -Dr Ani Kalayjian, 2010 Forgiveness & Reconciliation I had an amazing lunch today with Dr Ani Kalayjian from the UN and we spoke a lot ...
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