Oct 01, 2015
Beans are a great source of protein. I enjoy experimenting with different beans to bring variety into my diet. Yellow Eye Beans are high in dietary fiber and iron, low in sodium, and contain no sugar, saturated fat, or cholesterol. One cup of Yellow Eye Beans (boiled) is approximately 250 calories. This recipe can be ...
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Sep 28, 2015
Quinoa is a complete protein that is very versatile. When paired with spinach, kale, or mixed greens it can become a satisfying main dish salad that provides protein, fiber, Omega 3’s, and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Quinoa, like risotto, is a great way to use up small amounts of vegetables that you have left in the ...
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Sep 14, 2015
It is much easier to eat a Gluten Free and maintain a YogaLean lifestyle if you plan ahead. Salads can be a great meal or side dish but can be a detriment as well if you do not make good choices. They need not be laden with heavy dressings to be appreciated. Opt for seasonal ...
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Sep 08, 2015
A salad can be an accompaniment to a meal or can be a meal itself. The portion size determines everything – salads are a great way to incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables into your meal. If you are making your salad and entrée, make good choices to ensure you have a balanced meal and include ...
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Sep 01, 2015
Some days we have more time for breakfast than others. On those rare occasions when I can sleep in and have a leisurely breakfast before starting my day, I enjoy making Belgian Waffles. This is a treat as each waffle takes a few minutes to cook, each flavor is a delight and wants to be ...
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Aug 24, 2015
Amaranth is a complete protein. It is a YogaLean way to start your day. You can customize the flavor profile so that you can make this dish day after day and it does not have to be the same. The nutritious grain comes from a fast growing plant related to beets, chard, spinach, and quinoa. ...
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Aug 17, 2015
Once I find something I like, I have a tendency to eat the same thing day after day. Therefore, I make a concerted effort to discover new recipes and modify them to diversify my meals! The Gluten Free Breakfast Crepe is a modification of a recipe I found on the website for Pamela’s Baking and ...
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Aug 15, 2015
A high protein and high fiber breakfast is a great way to start the day as the meal fuels you for early morning exercise or diminished cravings to snack before lunch. Oatmeal has been a staple in my diet for a long time. Once I needed to eat a Gluten Free diet I started ...
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Jul 29, 2015
July 27, 2015 | Emelyn Daly, YogaFit Media Ayurveda, ‘Life Science,’ and Common Sense Expert Ayurvedic Practitioner and founder of Ayuway of Life Kathryn Herbert has me totally convinced of the value, efficacy, and do-it-yourself easiness of the ancient Holistic healing modality she teaches and practices. Herbert, who is thrilled to share her expertise at YogaFit’s first Ayurvedic Lifestyle ...
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Jul 18, 2015
This summer, the YogaLean team is privileged to guide an incredibly special individual through a total Mind|Body transformation. Nicole Bradley, 26, has courageously signed on with the discipline, curiosity, and compassion it takes to embark on YogaLean’s Transformational Journey. With the support of Ayurvedic specialist Kathryn Herbert and Mind|Body|Fitness expert Beth Shaw, Nicole is taking ...
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